autolink users' preferred automated SMS and email renewal reminder system

Send automated SMS reminders at set schedules

View/receive customer SMS replies

Easily track retention rate & sent reminders

Send automated email reminders at no extra cost

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Save More as you Grow More

Save more in renewal reminder expenses with automated texts the more you grow in volume.

*The above charts are an approximation of a broker’s monthly cost on renewal reminders for 200, 500, & 1000 renewals with 2 texts sent for each customer. Data is based on the following base rates: Labor: $20/hr wage at 6 mins/call & 5 mins/letter; Postage stamp: $0.81/stamp; BC Autorenew Subscription Fee: $99.00/month; Carrier SMS charges: $0.12/text. Pricing is subject to change without notice.


autolink Renewal List

Take advantage of your autolink data. Send reminders to applicable upcoming renewals as listed in autolink.

Send Scheduled Reminders

Send scheduled SMS and email reminders to customers.

View Customer Replies

View SMS replies within BCautorenew. Receive email replies right in the email inbox of the company email address on record.

Respond to SMS Replies

You have the option to send SMS responses to received customer SMS replies within BCautorenew.

Automated List Management

BCautorenew manages the renewal list for declined renewals caused by certain SMS keyword responses.

Message Personalization

Use merge fields to customize templates with personalized info such as the customer’s policy no. and expiry date.


Receive email notifications for the latest customer replies.

Reporting and Analytics

Track retention and sent reminders.

Manage Permissions

Manage user access/permissions to BCautorenew

Don't miss out on the best broker tools on the market.

Try both autolink and BCautorenew for 30 days for free.*

*Subscription fees are free for the first month of use. A fee of $0.12 per sent text still apply due to carrier SMS charges.

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